Meet Harpy Eagle – The Biggest Living Eagle in the World!
The harpy eagle is the surviving biggest eagle in the world. It (Harpia harpyja) is a neotropical species of eagle. Harpy eagles can live anywhere from 25 to 35 years in the wild. It is also called the American harpy eagle to distinguish it from the Papuan eagle, which is sometimes known as the New Guinea harpy eagle or Papuan harpy eagle.
It is the largest and most powerful raptor found in the rainforest,
and among the largest extant species of eagles in the world.
However, today we will know about Where harpy eagle is found? Their habitat, diet, identification, and many more. So, here we go…
Harpy Eagle
Where they mostly found?
Harpy Eagle preferred habitat is a tropical lowland rain forest. They have been recorded at elevation levels up to 6,600 ft (2000 m). But they are more frequently found below 3,000 ft (900 m).
The harpy eagle is found from Mexico, through Central America to South America, some parts of Argentina especially Northern Argentina. Some are also found in Ecuador, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Colombia, Venezuela, Bolivia, Paraguay, Peru.
The eagle is most common in Brazil rain forests, where it is found across the entire national territory.
With some exceptions to some areas of Panama (It is Panama’s national bird). Sadly to say, the species is almost extinct in Central America and some parts of Mexico.
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What do they eat?
Harpy adults are near or even at the top of a food chain and are rarely preyed on.
However, Its main prey is tree-dwelling mammals and a majority of the diet has been shown to focus on sloths and monkeys.
Sloths appear to be an important part of their diet, and in some studies, sloth species comprised over 70% of the prey brought to hatch-lings. Monkeys are also common prey, and some species regularly taken are Capuchin, Saki, howler, titi, spider, and squirrel monkeys. Though Some others are uncommon prey such as reptiles, parrots, kinkajous, coatimundis, anteaters, porcupines, opossums, and armadillos.
What does the harpy eagle look like?
As one of the largest and most powerful raptors in the world, the harpy eagle looks pretty intimidating.
They have slate-grey feathers on their backs and wings, lighter grey colored heads, and white stomachs. Their legs are covered in white feathers with black stripes to the feet, which are yellow with large black talons. They have a sharp beak that is long and curved.
The biggest eagle in the world – Harpy Eagle has a crown with a double crest of feathers that fan out when they feel threatened, or if they just want to show their royalty. Their tails are black, with three grey bands on top, and three white bands underneath.
Like an owl, it has facial disk feathers that can be lowered or lifted at their will. This helps direct sound waves to the harpy eagle’s ears much the same way as when you shake your hand around the ear.
An adult harpy eagle grows between 35 and 41 inches (89 and 105 cm). An adult female can weigh up to 20 pounds (9 kg). This is about two times heavier than the male which weighs up to around 12 pounds (5.4 kg). Its wingspan ranges from 5.9 to 7.4 feet (176 to 224 cm) [It means harpy’s wingspan is longer than most adult humans length].
Harpy Eagle’s Wing – Biggest Eagle in the world
The behavior of the Harpy Eagle?
Harpies are highly territorial (regional) and require several square miles of the rain forest to survive and reproduce. They protect their territory from other eagles, allowing them to have a consistent food source. Pairs of eagles mate for life and nest in the same territory. Females take most of the responsibility of raising the babies, but males also participate.
Therefore, Being ranked at the top of the food chain like anacondas and jaguars, the harpy eagle has no reason to be afraid. Though they are less friendly to humans, a harpy eagle will sit on a perch and allow a human to approach it. Sometimes they also seat on a human arm and behave friendly to them.
However, Both harpy parents will viciously defend their young from predators. It will behave aggressively if anything comes near its nest. And again don’t think about to a harpy as your pet. Above all, You may heard this proverb that,
“A thing is valued where it belongs”
Harpy Eagle – Biggest Eagle in the world
What about their breeding?
Harpy eagles mate for life. Their large nests are built at least 90 feet from the ground in huge trees like the kapok tree, the Brazil nut tree, or the Cambara tree. The harpy eagle has knowledge of reuse. Yes, where much of us don’t have. That’s why they often reuse the same nest over many years.
A female harpy eagle begins to lay eggs when she is sexually mature which is usually between 4 and 5 years old. The female lays two eggs, but once the first egg hatches, the remaining egg is ignored and will not hatch. Both parents spend all their time protecting and raising the chick (children) until it can fly. Usually, they make it within 6 or 7 months. A harpy pair will produce a chick (children) every 2-4 years. Young harpy eagles reach sexual maturity between the ages of 4 and 5.
Want to know amazing facts about Harpy Eagle?
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