Oriental cockroach - One of the biggest cockroach in the world! [ Read the full article on: https://gbansandyou.com/oriental-cockroach/ ] Believed to be of African origin despite its name, the o riental cockroach is one of the larger species of cockroach. Oriental Cockroaches (Blatta orientalis) are commonly called "water bugs" or "black beetles". B ecause they hang out in damp areas , a s well as “black beetle cockroaches” because of their smooth, dark bodies. Today we will know about the Oriental Cockroaches habitat, habits, and many more. So, here we go... But first!!!! How do Oriental cockroaches enter our homes without being invited? These cockroaches prefer homes with plenty of damp, dark, and sheltered areas to breed and develop. Oriental cockroaches often travel through sewers and may come inside through pipes and drains. Abundant outdoor plants may also provide places for these cockroach populations to flourish and get inside houses in search of food. Al...